Outputs: Amount
8 bytes
The value in satoshis to be transferred.
Byte Visualization
The amount field in a transaction output specifies how many satoshis (the smallest unit of bitcoin) are being assigned to this output.
Let's examine our transaction to understand this better:

Amount Field Structure
- Size: 8 bytes (64 bits)
- Format: Little-endian integer
- Unit: Satoshis (1 BTC = 100,000,000 satoshis)
- Range: 0 to 21,000,000 * 100,000,000 satoshis (maximum bitcoin supply)
The amount field uses 8 bytes because the maximum bitcoin supply (21 million BTC) in satoshis exceeds what could be stored in 4 bytes (maximum ~42.94967296 BTC).
Implementation Example
Here's how you might parse a transaction output's amount:
def parse_amount(raw_tx: bytes, offset: int = 0) -> tuple[int, int]:
Parse an amount from raw transaction bytes
raw_tx: Raw transaction bytes
offset: Starting position in bytes
(amount, new_offset)
# Read 8 bytes for amount
amount_bytes = raw_tx[offset:offset + 8]
# Convert to integer (little-endian)
amount = int.from_bytes(amount_bytes, 'little')
return amount, offset + 8
Amount Validation Rules
When validating transaction amounts, nodes must ensure:
- Non-negative: All output amounts must be ≥ 0 satoshis
- Input sum ≥ Output sum: The sum of all input amounts must be greater than or equal to the sum of all output amounts
- Maximum supply: No single output can exceed the maximum bitcoin supply (21 million BTC)
The difference between input and output amounts becomes the transaction fee, which is collected by miners. Be careful not to accidentally set high fees by miscalculating output amounts!
Unit Conversion
Here's a helpful function for converting between BTC and satoshis:
def btc_to_satoshis(btc: float) -> int:
"""Convert BTC amount to satoshis"""
return int(btc * 100_000_000)
def satoshis_to_btc(sats: int) -> float:
"""Convert satoshi amount to BTC"""
return sats / 100_000_000
Common conversions:
- 1 BTC = 100,000,000 satoshis
- 0.00000001 BTC = 1 satoshi
- 0.001 BTC = 100,000 satoshis
Historical Note
The term "satoshi" was adopted by the Bitcoin community to honor Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. The small unit size allows for very precise value transfer and future-proofs Bitcoin against significant price appreciation.